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Startup Coaching

The Adida Startup Incubator

Startup Coaching

The Adida Startup Incubator

Remember that excitement and passion when the idea first crossed your mind of starting your business? An idea that would change everything, but the reality of the world today quicky sets in. Legal matters, tax advice, permits, insurance, unseen fees, and what seems to be an unending supply of new challenges. The initial excitement and passion quickly fades and is replaced by work. If this sounds familiar, then welcome to our startup coaching!

We assist in navigating the sea of challenges that cause most startups to fail. Our years of experience and humble approach makes sure we focus on your ideas and vision and how to make them a reality while staying true to their intent.

We have been around the block, we’ve had our highs and lows too. This is good because when you partner-up with us, we will share those experiences with you.

What makes Adida different from all the other companies that offer coaching?

The difference reflects in our core values. We believe in teamwork, working with passion and continuous improvement. We take pride in having integrity, compassion and transparency in what we do. This is before we start, we will tell you if it makes sense and brings value to have us as a coach. While we may say it isn’t the right time, we will always leave you with advice on things you should do next and when a good time might be to re-evaluate (and this is free advice!).

Other coaching firms can have a one size fits all coaching strategy. Adida is different because we understand and appreciate that all startups have a unique identity that is all their own. While other companies would suggest changing the goals and vision of the company to achieve success, Adida believes in finding the strategy that leads you to success without compromises.

How will we do it?

First we look at where you are currently. Maybe you don’t ‘technically’ have a vision or mission. Everyone has an idea and which has certain boundaries and will be built on some kind of foundation. This is a vision and mission that we will first take great time in learning. Next we will use a series of developed in-house processes to unwind the complexity and challenges you are facing to provide simple to understand strategies. From there, anything is possible!

Most importantly, we want to retain what makes you... well, “you”! We are not here to tell you what to do, you will not have to compromise your company’s identity with us. We will walk with you through it, giving you advice about what we think should be done, but more importantly, we will never lose sight of what YOU want for your business. Let us work together toward your success.

You may have heard startups should never waste money on coaches or consultants. We completely agree, wasted money, time and energy is the number one reason why startups fail. If we don’t bring value, then it is a complete waste, and setting you up to fail would be going against our vision and mission. That is why if we are EVER concerned about the value we bring, we will make sure to advise you. After all, this is what a great coach will do.

Most importantly, we want to retain what makes you... well, “you”!

Not fully convinced yet?

Well, we would be happy to give you a free hour with one of our coaches to learn about what makes you tick and see if we would be a good fit.

Get started today!

Why Adida?

Customer Retention

Team Training Hours per Year

Business Toolbox

Scalable Outsourcing/Workflows

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